Theme verse Daniel 7:25
Speaker – Esther Moenga
To have to win the battle there must be a war/ fight, with all the problems in the world- sickness, financial crisis, family problems, problems with children as Christians these are the battles we encounter each and every day of our life,
Amidst all this we should remember that the battle belongs to the lord. The plan the good Lord has for us is to be a winner. And these are good plans from God.
If you commit your will to the lord you will win..
There are certain points that will help us get the victory we so desire.
1. Determine to seek God, ask a word from Him and acknowledge that you can’t live without Him for he is the Vine and we are the branches and the branches do not exist alone without the vine they depend on it.
2 Set your self in the right position an example is when a country has heard that its enemies are going to strike it they prepare for the attack. And the same case to all other people and not just the country alone. We should be prepared