Departments and Functions

Pr. Douglas Agoga
Outline of Denominational Organization
Local Church—A group of members in a defined location that has been granted, 13 by the constituency of a conference in session, official status as a church.
 Local Conference—A group of local churches, within a defined geographical 16 area, that has been granted by action of a division executive committee at midyear, year end, or 17 division council meeting, official status as a Seventh-day Adventist local conference/ mission/ 18 field and subsequently accepted, at a union constituency meeting, into the sisterhood of 19 conferences/ missions. (See p. XX.) 20 21 3.
Union of Churches—A group of churches, within a defined geographical area, 22 that has been granted, by a General Conference Session, official status as a union of churches 23 with either conference or mission status. 24 25  
Union Conference/ Mission—A group of conferences, within a defined 26 geographical area, that has been granted by a General Conference Session official status as a 27 union conference/ mission. 28 29 5.
General Conference and its Divisions—The General Conference represents the 30 worldwide expression of the Church. Its constituent membership is defined in its Constitution. 31 To facilitate its worldwide activity, the General Conference has established regional offices, 32 known as divisions of the General Conference, which have been assigned, by action of the 33 General Conference Executive Committee at Annual Councils, general administrative oversight 34 for designated groups of unions and other Church units within specific geographical areas. 35 36 The Bible is the foundation and source of belief and practice; on this basis, the General 37 Conference in Session determines the stated fundamental beliefs of the Church. The General 38 Conference in Session also authorizes establishment of unions and the attachment of field units, 39 revises the Church Manual, elects General Conference and division leadership, performs other 40 functions as outlined in its Constitution and Bylaws, and considers items referred to it by its 41 Executive Committee.
The General Conference Executive Committee between Sessions is

The following is a List of Departments and their functions

Adventist men Organization is another subsidiary group of the department of personal ministries.
The chief missionary programs carried out by this group include the following:
1)              Lay preaching efforts
2)              Prison ministry
3)              Community services.
The community services for the usually focuses on the following:
    1.) Furniture service
    2.) Repair homes for the:
         I.                             Aged
       II.                             Invalids
     III.                             Widows
     IV.                             Disaster relief services
       V.                             Transport for the supplies
     VI.                             Counseling
   VII.                             Cleanup
 VIII.                             Rehabilitation
1.                        AMO leader
2.                       Secretary/ Treasurer
3.                      Personal ministries leader
4.                       Elder in charge
5.                      Two representatives.
The Adventist youth society (formerly the missionary volunteer society) is a department of the church through which the church works for and through her youth.
“ We have an army of youth today who can do much if they are properly directed ad encouraged…We want them to be blessed of the God. We want them to act a part in well organized plans for helping other youths.”- E. G . White, in General Conference Bulletin, Jan. 29, 30, 1893, p. 24.
White called for the establishment of the youth organization in each church and told what kind of organization it should be.
“When the youth give their hearts to God, our responsibility for them does not cease. They must be interested in the Lord’s work, and led to see what He expects to do to advance His cause….they must be trained, disciplined, drilled in the best methods in soul winning…”- Gospel Workers, p. 210.
While there is to be an active Adventist youth Society in every church, it is important that the youth program not to be isolated from the rest of the church. In addition to their participation in the youth organization, the young people should be integrated into responsible leadership and involvement in the entire church program. There should be young Elders in the church, young deacons and deaconesses, working with the experienced church officers. In all lines of church work, the youth should be active.
In response to these inspired directives, the youth department was organized to give leadership training, provide resource materials and evangelistic plans for the Adventist youth society in the local churches.
The spirit of prophecy sets forth the objectives as follows:
1)      To train the youth to work for other youth
2)      To recruit the youth to help their church
3)      To work for those who are not of our faith
4)      In seeking to reach this objectives the youth are called upon:
5)      To pray together
6)      To study the word together
7)      To fellowship together in Christian social interaction
8)      To act together in small groups to carry out well-laid plans for witnessing
9)      To develop tact and skill and talent in the Masters service
10)   To encourage one another in spiritual growth.

The youth council comprises of the following:
a)       Youth leader
b)      Associate youth leader
c)       Secretary/treasurer
d)      Elder in charge
e)       Pathfinder director
f)        Adventurer’s director
g)       Adventist youth Sponsor
Children ministries
1)      Must be a baptized SDA member in regular standing.
2)      Be a faithful tithe and offering giver.
3)      Should be visionary and a good planner.
4)      Lover of Children
5)      Exemplary lifestyle (lives above reproach)
         I.            Convenes and chairs the children ministry committee.
       II.            Encourages spirit of team work among those who create the ministry.
     III.            Must be a team leader who creates a ministry for children, drawing them to Christ.
     IV.            Provides for children to participate in all church activities.
       V.            Serves as a children interest advocate to the church board as follows:
a)       Keeps board members informed of concerns and success of the CHM by posting the results of children needs assessment and encourage funding for children’s programs.
b)      Works with the local church pastor to make various aspects of church life meaningful to children.
c)       Organize with the personal ministries council, church plans by suggesting ways to involve children.
d)      Consult with children activities leader giving the necessary help, support, and encouragement.
Vi. Takes reasonable stapes to maintain high moral and ethical quality of leadership for children.
Vii. Maintains open communication with children parents/ guardians, and leaders of children activities, informing them about workshops, conventions, camp meetings, and other resources, encourages their growth in understanding children.
Viii. Seeks opportunities to spend time with children inorder to stay in touch with their thinking and their needs.

If there is an important office in the church is the office of the communication.
The leader of the department is always known as the communication Secretary.
1)      Responsible for the gathering and dissemination of news
2)      Arrange for the church to use the media...
3)      Works on a modality to have the church produce news letter
4)      Teaches the members the importance of communication skills
5)      It is the communication secretary’s work to see that the church has a better P.A system
6)  All correspondences pass through his/her desk.
7)  It is his/ her work to erect clear sign boards to indicate the direction of the church
8) It is hi/her work to pick the visitors to church.
9) Makes sure the all church events are captured and recorded (photo cameras and video cameras are needed)
   10) Works closely with the conference secretary in carrying out the plans of the conference.
         I.            Communication secretary
       II.            Anyone who works with the media i.e journalists...
     III.            Anyone with writing skills
     IV.            Lecturers teaching communication
       V.            Any technician
     VI.            Elder in charge
   VII.            Pastor


v  The department of Public Affairs and Religious Liberty (PARL) promotes and maintains religious liberty, with particular emphasis upon liberty of conscious.
v  Religious liberty includes the human right to have or adopt the religion of one’s choice; to change religious belief according to one’s conscience; to manifest one’s religion individually or in community with fellow believers in, worship, observance, practice, witness, and teaching, subject to respect for the equivalent rights of others.
v  Since religious liberty includes the right to observe days of rest and worship in accordance with the precepts of one’s religion, the department actively supports the rights of Seventh-day Adventists to keep the Sabbath in accordance with the fourth commandment of God’s word.
v  The department also monitors and interprets current events that may reflect prophetic scenario.
v  To safeguard religious liberty, the department encourages where possible the separation of Church and State, as commanded by Jesus, Matthew 22:21.
v  The department seeks to guard against intrusions upon religious liberty, especially in view of persecutions prophesied in Revelation 13.
v  The religious liberty leader of the local church shall be elected and shall work in close cooperation with the pastor or district leader in all phases of religious liberty and cooperate with the conference / mission or Union department.
v  Such should be of positive spiritual influence, able to meet the general public, interested  in public affairs, proficient as a correspondent, and concerned with the preservation of the liberty of the people of God to do the Master’s service.

         I.            To interact with the public Affair and Religious Liberty director of the conference/ mission , or Union where appropriate, and deal with the suggestions that come through proper channels
       II.            To advise concerning matters affecting religious liberty.
     III.            To promote the circulation of religious liberty magazines and other materials approved by the division or the General Conference.
     IV.            To organize or facilitate religious liberty meetings, seminars, programs, and activities as circumstances indicate.
Family life leader

The over-arching objective of Family Life Ministries is to strengthen the family as a discipling center. The family was established by divine creation as the fundamental human institution. It is the primary setting where values are learned and the capacity for close relationship with God and with other human beings is developed.
1)      Should be an Adventist Christian in regular standing.
2)      Should be a married person.
3)      Should have an exemplary Family Life in his family.
4)      Should be able to read either English or Kiswahili or both.
5)      Should have shown interest and concern to family Matters.
6)      Should be respected by all people in the church and outside.
7)      Should posses a high degree of Personal Morality.
8)      Should be a reader of books on marriage and family life and more so, from Adventist publications.
9)      Able to understand the crisis facing marriages and family life today.
10)   Should be able to listen to both the young and the old in matters pertaining to family life.
1)      To plan, prepare and conduct Family Life Seminars and workshops in the church.
2)      To prepare Family Life Materials, relevant to both the young and the old.
3)      To provide premarital guidance and counseling to youths planning to get married.
4)      To promote and ensure the implementations of Family Ministry emphasis.
5)      To ensure that the Christian Home, Marriage week and Family togetherness week programs are carried out in the Church.
6)      To make sure that all groups in the Church (couples, single parents, widows / Widowers, and youths) have been cared for during Family Life Seminars or emphasis.
7)      Sends reports to the conference the soonest possible.
Education department
Philosophy- The church operates a school system to ensure that its youth may receive a balanced physical, mental, spiritual, social, and vocational education in harmony with denominational standards and ideals, with God as the source of all moral values and truth.
The church conducts its own schools, kindergarten, though university, for the purpose of transmitting to its children its own ideals, beliefs, habits and customs.
Schools operated by the church will endeavor to provide for all of their students an education within the framework of the science of salvation. The fundamentals and common branches of knowledge are to be studied to develop proficiency in their use. Specifically, these schools will endeavor to operate for each student in the upbringing and temperance principles, in the command of fundamental learning processes, and in the teaching worth home membership, vocational skills, civic education, worth use of leisure, and ethical maturity. They will aim to reach objectives of spiritual dedication, self-realization, social adjustment, civic responsibility, world mission and service, and economic sufficiency through high quality, Christ-centered teaching.
1.       Be a seventh-day Adventist Christian in good and regular standard.
2.       Be a person with a sound knowledge and understanding of fundamentals of SDA doctrines.
3.       Be a person who understands the significance of Christian Education and is enthusiastic about its operations.
4.       Be a dedicated teacher or educational administrator or an educational leader. 
Job description:
The Education secretary of the church is the facilitator of SDA Christian Education in his or her church with the following duties:
1)      To maintain an up to date census of all the children and the youth of his/ her church.
2)      To contact all SDA homes where there are school age children or young people to encourage attendance at the local SDA primary and secondary schools, training colleges and universities.
3)      To assist students/ pupils to find the best possible ways of witnessing to their companions and teachers in the non-SDA schools and SDA sponsored schools.
4)      To make every reasonable effort, where SDA schools are not available to encourage the church to provide SDA Education in the area.
5)      To make sure that all pupils/ students are actively integrated into the programmes of the church.
6)      To develop a well-rounded and interesting programmes for the church and maintain contact with interested pupils/ students in such programmes.
7)      To contact members who no school age children, encouraging them to provide financial aid to the Adventist schools, needy SDA pupils/ students and Educational programmes in the church.
8)      To be a member of the local church board/ committee that is maintain by the local church. 
Through the ministry to people with disabilities, a local church should give special attention to members with disabilities. It should develop programs for witnessing to people who have disabilities; make recommendations to the church board regarding possible actions which could make the church facilities more accessible for people with disabilities. For example, does your church have a toilet for the disabled?
As a director for people with disability, have thought how important it is to get someone to train the church members on the sign language so that the deaf can be ministered to?
There are two different classes of disabled people:
a.)     Those with minor challenges i.e those using glasses, those using walking sticks …
b.)     Those with major challenges…
The pathfinder club is a church-centered program which provides an outlet for the spirit of adventure and exploration. This includes more activity in outdoor living, nature exploration, and crafts than is possible n the average Adventist Junior Youth Society.
In this setting spiritual emphasis is well received and the pathfinder has well demonstrated its soul -winning influence.
1.       Camporees
2.       Fairs
3.       Crafts study
4.       Nature exploration
5.       Bible study
6.       Witnessing projects
7.       Field trips
8.       Bikeathons (where instead of running, they compete by ridding bicycles
9.       And many other interesting adventures.
The youth from ages 10-15 years are eligible to become members of the pathfinder club through a special induction ceremony.
The members wear uniform with its insignia to all club functions, including the weekly club meeting, pathfinder fairs, and camporees, and on Sabbath morning during the pathfinder day.
The club Director is always assisted by two deputies, male and female. One of the deputies may serve as a club scribe and treasurer.
Training is always organized by the pathfinder club at the Station level to inform the leaders and their deputies what is expected of them. The local church too can organize for one.
The club is run by the clubs manual which each leader ought to have
The council includes the following:
         I.            The director
       II.            The two deputies
     III.            The youth leader
     IV.            Elder in charge
       V.            And other club officials.
Adventist Sabbath School work the general equivalent of Sunday schools of other denominations, began in 1852 when James White wrote the first Sabbath School lessons. 
The former millerite preacher and one of the founders of the S.D.A church, White organized the first regular Sabbath School around 1853 in Rochester, New York; another was organized by John Byington in Bucks breach, New York in 1854; and the third was organized in 1855 by M.G. Kellogg in battle Greek Michigan.
Early Sabbath Schools had only two divisions, one for the Children and one for the Adults, called the Bible Class. Teachers placed much emphasis on the Memorization of scriptures.
In 1863, the Sabbath School series lessons for the children appeared. In the same year lessons for the Adult which were written by Uriah Smith another S.D.A pioneer appeared in the Review and Herald.
The Sabbath School continued to grow gradually to its present state inspite of the challenges that were there, God’s hand was seen.
The mission of the Sabbath School is to be a system of local Church religious education that builds faith and practice. It builds faith through the study of scriptures and the doctrines and teachings of the church. It builds practice through the application of the principles and the teaching of the church to the individual lives of the Sabbath school members.
The Sabbath school has four specific objectives:

1.       Study of the word
2.       Fellowship
3.       Community Outreach
4.       World mission Emphasis
1)      Study of the word.
The Sabbath school will help the students understand the gospel and make a personal commitment to it. It will help them grow spiritually through the study of the bible and the spirit of prophecy. It will help the student develop a prayer program and teach them how to interpret and apply the principles of the scriptures to their lives.
2)      Fellowship.
The Sabbath school will foster fellowship among members in the weekly Sabbath school program.
3)      Community Outreach.
The Sabbath school will help its students catch a vision of the church’s mission in the community.
4)      World mission Emphasis.
The Sabbath school will present a clear vision of the global mission of the church.
The members of the Sabbath school council are:
                                                     I.            General superintendent (chair person)
                                                     II.            Assistant superintendents (four of them)
                                                   III.            Sabbath school secretary.
                                                    IV.            Assistant secretaries.
                                                       V.            Division leaders
                                                      VI.            Investment secretary.
                                                    VII.            Personal ministry director.
                                                   VIII.            Elder in charge.
                                                        IX.            The church pastor.
It is the responsibility of the Sabbath school council to keep the Sabbath school running smoothly. Everything that concern Sabbath school is appropriate to consider in this council.
a)                               Superintendent.
The general superintendent is the general coordinator of the Sabbath school. It is his/her job to see that the goals and objectives of the Sabbath school are implemented in all divisions.
At no any given time that a general superintendent is replaced and his place is taken by a different person during departmental Sabbaths.
b)                              The general superintendent chairs the Sabbath school council.
c)                               He/ she is a member of the church board.
d)                              E.t.c.
A successful superintendent has a good working program for every Sabbath to ensure that the Sabbath school runs well.
A good Sabbath school program looks like this;

The above diagram has;
1.       Dates for all Sabbaths. This is important because you are able to know which department is responsible for which Sabbath…
2.       The superintendent can be either you or your assistants. Note that if you were in front this Sabbath you will appear after 5 Sabbaths.
3.        Opening prayer this is given to church members.
4.       Secretary’s report. This is strictly done by either the secretary or the assistants.
5.        Missions report. This too is given to church members.
6.        Special item. Church members call for it.
7.        Closing prayer. A member of the church can offer the closing prayer.
b) Assistant superintendents. The Sabbath school has four objectives and each of the objectives are fostered to the members by one of the assistant superintendent.
c) Secretary.

The secretary cares for the records, supplies, offerings, and clerical details of the Sabbath school.
The following are the divisions:
                                                                           i.            Youth.
                                                                         ii.            Junior youth.
                                                                       iii.            Primary.
                                                                        iv.            Kindergarten.
                                                                          v.             Cradle roll.
There are two ministries:
1.       Children ministries.
2.       Adult ministries.

Single parents:
No one chooses to become a single parent, but circumstances which are in most cases beyond any human control may dictate one to become a single parent.
We have different categories of single parents:
1.       Widows.
2.       Widowers.
3.       Divorcees.
4.       Separated ones.
5.       Those who are not married but have children out of wedlock.
6.       Those whose spouses live far away and they meet once after almost ten years or once a year.
7.       Those who never been married but have adopted children, so the person is a single parent.

Functions of the office:
1)       It is the responsibility of the leader to ensure that he / she has registered all single parents in his or her church.
2)       The leader finds ways to meet the needs of the members, by organizing for seminars, meetings, trainings, fellowships, prayers one to another, prayer days.
3)       Guards all members more especially the vulnerable ones against any possible exploitations from within or from outside the church.
4)       The leader looks for donors who can come in and offer some assistance to the needy members of the group from within the church and outside the church.
5)       It is the responsibility of the leader to get good and qualified counselors to offer their assistance to the Members who might be or may experience nervous breakdown because of grief.
6)      Chairs the committee that plans for events of the single parents.
7)        Finds ways of witnessing to other single parents outside the church, and invite them to be members with them.
8)      Help the single Parents to get opportunities for spiritual growth, utilizing their gifts/talents in serving the church and help the Church in the global mission.
9)      Works hand in hand with the other departments, the Elders, the Pastor and the local church to implement their programs.
10)   Carries out any assignments which might be assigned to him/ her by the committee or the pastor.
11)   Represents the single parents in the church board.

1)      Single parent’s leader.
2)      Representatives from the following:
a)       Widows.
b)      Widowers.
c)       Divorcees.
d)      Those separated.
e)       Those who have children out of wedlock but have not been married.
f)        Those whose spouses live far away…
g)       Those who have adopted children but are not married.
3)      The Elder in charge.
4)      The pastor.

The church clerk.
The office of the church clerk is one of the important church offices, upon the proper administration of which the much of the efficient functioning of the church depends.
It is in charge of the governance of the church. This includes:
v  Giving information for informed decision making.
v  Interpreting church policies, more especially the church manual.
v  Keeping records of the decisions the church makes.
v  The church clerk therefore should have knowledge on the following pieces of information which are critical to the fulfillment of the church’s mission.

Membership information:
·         It is a spiritual relationship. It is entered into only by those who are baptized.
·         The serious, solemn obligation of the church membership should be impressed upon everyone who applies for admittance to the church.
·         Baptism is a preliquisite to the church membership.
·         Baptism by immersion is the only mode of baptism recognized by the Adventist church.
·         Candidates should be thoroughly instructed previous to baptism.
·         The candidates should be examined publicly.
·         Candidates should be voted into church membership.
·         Their names are recorded into the church register soon after baptism.

The demanding duties of a church clerk:
1. Updating the church membership register. In updating, the church clerk should remember the following.
(a)    There must be a vote of the church inorder to add or remove a name from a church membership register except in the case when a member passes on.
(b)    When a member passes on, then the church should immediately record the date of death opposite the name in the church register.
(c)    The names from the previous years are all transferred to the current year except for the names mentioned in (a) and (b).

2. Inorder to work effectively and efficiently, the church clerk Must have the following:
(a) Church Board Minute Book.
(b) Church Business Meeting Minute Book.
(c) Church Membership Register Book.
(d) A spring file for all correspondences.
(e) A lockable cabinet where possible.
(f) Current Church Manual.
(g) Statistical Booklet.

Membership transfer information:

         I.            The new member should ask the church clerk to write a transfer request letter to the other church clerk and request a transfer of the name.
       II.            The receiving church clerk sends a letter to the clerk of the church the member is transferring from.
     III.            The request is presented to the church board of the transferring church.
     IV.            The request is presented to the business meeting and voted on after the second reading.
       V.            The church clerk then communicates to the clerk of the receiving church through a transfer form.
     VI.            The form is present to the receiving church board to recommend it to the business meeting.
   VII.            The business meeting of the receiving church votes it after the second reading.
 VIII.            The name is the recorded in the church register of the new church and he/she becomes a member.
     IX.            Finally the clerk informs the other clerk that the name has been voted and therefore he/ she can effect the changes on his/her register. 

Ø  Must be a Seventh-day Adventist in regular standing.
Ø  Has a high level of spiritual commitment and unquestionable moral integrity.
Ø  Has demonstrated high leadership ability and skills.
Ø  Should be a visionary person.
Ø  Has the capacity of reading and understanding the church manual and interpreting it correctly.
Ø  Has the capacity of writing and maintaining minutes and other church records properly.
Ø  Has good judgment and discernment.
Ø  Must have completed preferably secondary education.
Ø  Must have good interpersonal skills.
Ø  Should have been a church member in that church for at least three consecutive years.
1)      Serves as the custodian of information/records at the local church.
2)      Serves as the secretary of the church business meetings.
3)      Serves as the secretary of the church board.
4)      Records and maintains well the minutes of the church business meetings and the church board meetings.
5)      Promptly updates the church membership register.
6)      Renews the membership register at the beginning of each year and have the church board approve the renewal not later than February 15th, and the Church Business meeting not later than the end of the first quarter of the year.
7)      Keeps records of Holy Communion service attendance in the space provided in church membership register.
8)      Keeps records of prominent visitors who visit the church.
9)      Carefully preserves all church records.
10)   Promptly provides information as may be required by the local pastor, church Elder, church board, Church Business meeting, or the Conference.
11)   Promptly sends monthly or annual statistical reports to the conference executive secretary within a given deadline.
12)   Handles the correspondences between individual member and churches during the transfer of church membership.
13)   Keeps in touch with absent members by correspondence.
14)   Issues credentials on the authorization of the church board for all delegates elected to represent the church at any session of local conference and send them promptly to the conference executive secretary.
15)   Arranges for quarterly and annual church membership audit and ensures that it is carried out.
16)   Communicates church board or Business meeting actions to those affected by them.
17)   Promotes team work among all local church officers, church members and local church within the conference.
18)   Does any other duty as requested by the church pastor, Elder or Church board.
Ø  This is an important office of the church. In the absence of a pastor, the office of an Elder is the highest and most important.
Ø  The local Elder must be one recognized by the church as a strong religious (which is debatable since we do not have a measuring gadget to tell one’s religiosity) and   spiritual leader and must have a good reputation.
Ø  In the absence of a pastor, the Elder is the religious leader of the church and by precept and example must continually seek to lead the church into a deeper and a fuller Christian experience.
Ø  The Elder should be capable of conducting services of the church. You realize that most of the Sabbaths pastors are not there, therefore the Elder must be prepared to minister in word and doctrine.
Ø  However, the Elder should not be chosen primarily because of social position, or because speaking ability, but rather because of consecrated life and leadership ability. This should be taken into consideration by the nominating committee in preparing its report at the time of the church election.
Ø  Like all other church officers, the Elder is elected for one or two year term as determined by the local church. It is not advisable for one person to serve indefinitely, but one may be reelected. The church is under no obligation, however, to reelect, but may choose another for leadership whenever a change seems advisable.
Ø  Upon the election of a new Elder, the former Elder no longer functions as Elder, but may be elected to any other church office.
Election to the office of an Elder does not in itself qualify one as an Elder. Ordination is required before an Elder has authority to function in that office. He may perform other duties such as announcements but not administer the ordinances of the church.
1)      Chairs the church board.
2)      Ministers in church Ordinances.
3)      Responsible for the baptismal class.
4)      Announcements ( do not preach announcements)
5)      He is the pulpit manager.
6)      Feeds the flock.
7)      In some cases serves as a religious liberty leader.
8)      Visitations
9)      Officiates during weddings.
10)   Cooperates with the conference officers and departmental directors in carrying out their plans.
11)   Promotes all the programs and activities of the church.
12)   The Elder should work very closely with the church treasurer and see all conference funds are remitted to the conference treasurer at the close of each month.
13)   The Elder should give personal attention to seeing that the clerk’s report is sent promptly to the conference secretary at the close of each quarter.
14)   The Elder should regard all correspondences from the conference office as important.
15)   The Elder should not undermine the pastor nor discuss or encourage any discussion of their pastor in such a manner that casts aspersions on the pastor’s character.
16)    An Elder Should is prayerful.
17)   A good Elder does not disclose confidential information give to him.  
18)   An Elder does not backbite other Elders at all.
19)    Should be honest and none partisan.
20)   The Elder should give counsel and help to officers in the church to measure up to their responsibilities.
21)   Should foster tithing.
22)   Holds the Elders council.
23)   And e.t.c
  The church treasurer

A sacred work. The church treasurer is called to important task. In large churches an assistant treasurer can be elected too.
The treasurer can greatly encourage faithfulness in returning of tithes and offering and deepen the spirit of liberality on the part of the church members.

ü  Answerable to the Pastor or the Elder.
ü  The custodian of all church funds i.e trust Fund, Local Church Budget, and other funds.
ü  Transfers all trust funds to the conference together with the attached documents.
ü  Keeps records of all offerings and anything in treasury.
ü  Makes quarterly reports to the church departments, church board, church business meeting, Elders and to the Pastor.
ü  Promotes stewardship responsibilities in the congregation. He assists the stewardship director.
ü  Makes sure that members are issued with receipts for all offering given.
ü  Disbands funds authorized by the authorities designed for that.
ü  Safeguards the purpose of all funds and offering given.
ü  Is a member of the church board.
ü  Keeps funds for personal literature orders.
ü  Makes financial documents available to the auditors for auditing.
ü  Stands for all treasury responsibilities.
ü  Reminds departmental leaders to forward a report to him on the money given to them for any project.
ü  Consults with the pastor and the Elders in all financial matters.
ü  Maintains strict confidential relationship with the members-Does not disclose what members are giving.

The office of the deacon is described in the New Testament (1Tim.3:8-23)
Niv. 1 Timothy 3:8 Deacons, likewise, are to be men worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in much wine, and not pursuing dishonest gain. 9 They must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience. 10 They must first be tested; and then if there is nothing against them, let them serve as deacons. 11 In the same way, their wives are to be women worthy of respect, not malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything. 12 A deacon must be the husband of but one wife and must manage his children and his household well. 13 Those who have served well gain an excellent standing and great assurance in their faith in Christ Jesus.

KJV Says
KJV 1 Timothy 3:8 Likewise must the deacons be grave, not double tongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre… Look at what Paul is saying.
v  Grave…..
v  Double tongued…
The office of the Deaconess was included in the official staff of the early Christian churches when the Apostle Paul wrote to the Romans in Romans 16:1, 2
 NIV Romans 16:1 I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a servant of the church in Cenchrea. 2 I ask you to receive her in the Lord in a way worthy of the saints and to give her any help she may need from you, for she has been a great help to many people, including me.

In the account of choosing of the men who came to be known as the seven deacons of the Apostolic church, as recorded in Acts 6:1-8, we are told they were chosen and ordained to attend to the “business” of the church.
NIV Acts 6:1 In those days when the number of disciples was increasing, the Grecian Jews among them complained against the Hebraic Jews because their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food. 2 So the Twelve gathered all the disciples together and said, "It would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of God in order to wait on tables. 3 Brothers, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them 4 and will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word." 5 This proposal pleased the whole group. They chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit; also Philip, Procorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolas from Antioch, a convert to Judaism. 6 They presented these men to the apostles, who prayed and laid their hands on them. 7 So the word of God spread. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly, and a large number of priests became obedient to the faith. 8 Now Stephen, a man full of God's grace and power, did great wonders and miraculous signs among the people.

In the Acts of the Apostle,p.89..This inspired arrangement resulted in the great progress in the building up of the work of the early church.” The appointment of the seven to take the oversight of special to take the special lines of work, proved a great blessing to the church. These officers gave careful consideration to individual needs as well as to the general financial interest of the church….”

A newly elected deacon cannot fill his office until he has been ordained.
If he has once been ordained as a deacon and has maintained his membership, it is not necessary for him to be ordained again even though he has transferred to another church.
The deaconess is elected to office, serving for a term of one or two years as determined by the local church.
It does not follow that the wife of the deacon is chosen as a deaconess.
1)      Cares for church property
2)      It is their duty to see that the building is kept clean
3)      It is their responsibility to do repairs
4)      At church services, the deaconry is usually responsible for welcoming members and visitors as they enter the church(so they must come early enough)
5)      They assist members and visitors where to find the seats.
6)      They have a program of visitations.
7)      They ensure that children do not make noise in the church at all times.
8)       They prepare the Lord’s Supper and serve the Lord’s Supper.
9)      They assist during baptism.
10)   They care for the sick and the poor.
11)   They hold the deaconry board every month.
12)   They keep the church’s inventory.
13)   They assist in offering collection.
14)   They must be present at the treasury when offering is counted.
15)   They have the visitor’s book.
16)   They represent the deaconry in the church board.
17)   They have prayers every Sabbath morning.
18)   They dispose off any bread or wine left. Here great care should be taken while disposing.
19)   Before doing anything all deacons must be ordained.
The deaconry council comprises of the following people.

                     I.            Head deacon
                   II.            Head deaconess
                 III.            Assistant head deacon
                 IV.            Assistance head deaconess
                   V.            All ordained deacons
                 VI.            All deaconesses
               VII.            Elder in charge of the deaconry.

 Remember it is important to hold a council while the Elder in charge is present.
The department was organized to train and direct the laity to unite their efforts with the ministry and church officers in the final proclamation of the gospel of salvation in Christ. The main aim of the department is to enlist every member in active soul-winning service for God.

1)      Must be a Seventh-day Adventist in regular standing.
2)      Must be faithful in returning tithes and offerings
3)      Should have some experience in the local leadership of the church.
4)      Must be a visionary person.
5)      Must have zeal in soul winning and spiritual growth of the church.
6)      Should have teaching ability.
7)      Must be a good planner and co-ordinator.
8)      Must be a member of the local church.
9)      Must have been an Adventist for at least three years.
10)   Must live an exemplary .

The council.
The council shall consist of the following:
1.       Personal ministries leader-chair person.
2.       Pastor.
3.       Elder.
4.       The personal ministries secretary.
5.       All departmental leaders.

The duties of this council shall be the following:
         I.            To plan and chair the personal ministries council.
       II.            To organize for seminars on witnessing both public and personal for laity from time to time.
     III.            Through the personal ministries council, to plan for the annual witnessing activities for the church.
     IV.            To draw a territorial map for the church and categorically come with the following; the economic activities of the area, types of religions existing in the area, the main denominations or religion in the area. e.t.c.
       V.            To enlist every church member in a definite line of service.
     VI.            By the help of the pastor and church elders through the church board to divide the church members into small outreach groups e.g cell groups.
   VII.            To enlist members to be involved in outreach activities sponsored by the personal ministries department e.g
v  Literature distribution.
v  Community service.
v  Bible course enrolled.
v  Entry events such as:
a)       Stop smoking classes.
b)      Cooking schools.
c)       Daniel and Revelation seminars.
 VIII.            To supervise all outreach and in-reach activities of the various departments in the church.
     IX.            To unite all departments in outreach activities by blending their programs for the quarter or year together in the personal ministries council.
       X.            To carry out any other duty assigned by the local church pastor, the personal ministries council, the church board, or the conference personal ministries director.  
The department of Stewardship
The department was organized to assist the church in the implementation of God’s plan of systematic benevolence throughout the church. Since stewardship responsibility includes the power management of the entire life, stewardship concepts encourage the proper care and use of the body temple, time, abilities, and material possessions.
1)      Must be a Seventh-day Adventist.
2)      Must be a person with promotional skills.
3)      Must be a person with total commitment to the cause of God.
4)      Must have demonstrated that he is faithful in returning tithes and offering in the local church.
5)      Should be a person of high moral integrity.

1)      To serve as a director of stewardship department in the local church.
2)      To demonstrate a commitment to Wholistic Stewardship Principles by example.
3)      To teach stewardship as a highly spiritual experience, and educate workers and members in biblical total life stewardship.
4)      To model stewardship in the faithful return of tithes and offerings.
5)      To be responsible for coordinating the church annual plans for stewardship training.
6)      To motivate and educate the total church regarding the SDA system of personal choice giving.     


Minutes writing is important because it captures essential information of a meeting, decisions and assigned actions. They keep attendees on track by reminding them of their role in the project and clearly define what happened in a group session. How many times have your colleagues been confused or discourage about what happened in a meeting? With minutes to refer to everyone is clear.

What most people don’t know is that minute meeting shouldn’t be an exact recording of everything that happened during the session. Minutes are meant to record basic information such as action assign and decisions made. Then, they can be saved and used for reference or background material for future meetings related to the same topic.


How to record the minutes?

Decide before hand if you are going to use:
·         laptop computer
·         notepad and pen
·         Dictaphone


Have a copy of the meeting agenda available to you prior to the meeting and prepare a minute taking sheet based on this before the meeting begins. This makes it easy to record comments and decisions taken at the meeting.

Recording Attendance and Apologies

Prepare a list of those who have confirmed their attendance and ask people to sign in when they arrive.

Alternatively bring a blank attendance sheet.
Pass this around at the start of the meeting and ask all present to sign it. However this can disrupt the flow of the meeting.

By having an attendance sheet, you will have an accurate list of those who attended the meeting to add to the minutes.
Ensure there is a space on the sheet for people to record the names of those who have sent apologies. This way they can be sure that they are included in receiving a copy of the notes from the meeting.


Who said what?

It is useful at the start of the meeting to make a map of the seating arrangements on a separate sheet of paper.
As the lead facilitator to invite everyone to introduce themselves.
   Write their name on the map in the place they are seated. This means that when they contribute during the meeting you will accurately be able to record who said what!

What to record?
1. Confirmation of the previous minutes by both the Chairman and the Secretary.
2. Record matters arising from the previous meeting.
3. Getting the data.
You do not need to record everything that is said in detail. You only need to capture the essential elements of the discussion and any key decisions that have been made. You will also need to record any actions that need to be followed up and the name of the person who has agreed to undertake the action. Bullet points or mind maps are a useful way of recording information.
If you are uncertain or unclear about something important that has been said or a decision that has been made, ask the lead facilitator for clarification about the point that has been made. Feedback what you have recorded to ensure that it is accurate.
Ideally, during the meeting, the lead facilitator should repeat any action that has been agreed back to the group so that everyone hears what has been agreed. They should also summaries each discussion at the end. This will give you the chance to check that you have captured the main points of the discussion and recorded all action points.
4. Format.
Arrange the minutes according to how they progress. For example,


Typing up the minutes

If you have chosen not to issue your notes taken at the meetings as a record, type up any minutes as soon after the meeting as possible. The longer you wait, the less accurate your memory of what happened and of what was said.

It is best to finalise the minutes out as soon after the meeting as possible so try to include time and the day of the next meeting to complete them so that you do not have to try and make time at a later date.

Issuing the minutes

Once you have completed the minutes, send them to the lead facilitator to look over before you send them out to everyone on the circulation list.

This process should not take a long time. Ideally minutes should be issued within a couple of days of the meeting.

Preparation for next meeting

Ensure you come to the next meeting with the list of actions that were to be carried out in between meetings. This way you can record the status of any actions that were due to happen.

Voice of prophecy department
The voice of prophecy is a very vital office in the church. It is one of the foundational departments since the cradle of the church. It used to be a program to bring members into the church, thus it made a way for non-members to meet Jesus, learn much about Him, and become prepared for the end of the world and for the Second Advent of Jesus.
The Work of the Voice of Prophecy Office and Leader.
1.       The office plans evangelism, and implements it through V.O.P. literature distribution, involvement in public evangelism organized by the Church in any place.
2.       It enrolls Church Members to be teachers, distributing agents, agents to enroll students into V.O.P.  Discover Bible School.
3.       Finds Friends who are interested in Bible studies and enroll them into V.O.P. lesson study guides.
4.       Should work in closeness with Interest Coordinator to get the Interests and work on them.
5.       Orders the lessons from the V.O.P. headquarters.                                                             
6.       Receives the Lessons and distributes them to the agents for them to reach the right destinations.
7.       Takes all V.O.P. records in;
v  All lessons.
v  V.O.P. teachers and distributing agents.
v  Students.
v  New enrollees.
v  Marking done to the students lessons.
v  Other V.O.P. records.
8.       The leader and Chair of all the meetings and other V.O.P. Leaders.
9.       Makes reports to the Pastor, Elders, Personal ministries Leader, other related departments and to the V.O.P. office in the Union.
10.    Leads in the marking of the Students lessons and records them.
11.    Prepare for the graduation ceremony for all Students who have finished the lessons.
12.    Keeps follow-ups of all the Students who have graduated to make sure they have converted into Adventism.
13.    Attends all the meetings of the Conference, Union, and others on V.O.P.
14.    The officer is the member of the local Church board.
15.    Makes the mission statement, vision, goals, and objectives, of the V.O.P. department.
16.    Encourages Church Members to make good relationships with their neighbors, friends, and relatives who are not members.

Vocational bible school leader.
1)      Must be a Seventh-day Adventist in regular standing.
2)      Must be faithful in returning tithes and offerings.
3)      Should be able to carry out trainings and promotions.
4)      Must be a good co-ordinator.
5)      Must have zeal in soul winning.
6)      Must have a high interest in correspondence in bible study.
7)      Should be able to read and write English or Kiswahili, and for vernacular languages.
8)      Must be able to keep records properly and report to the pastor promptly.
9)      Must have been a Seventh-day Adventist for at least three years.
10)   Must have the membership in the church which he shall be elected.
11)   Must have good interpersonal relationship.
12)   Must be a person who can work without close supervision.
13)    Must live an exemplary life.
14)   Must be a lover of people.
         I.            Oversees the local Bible School staff of the local church and the overall programs.
       II.            Arranging for special training for the members working with.
     III.            Sees that the required lessons are ever in stock throughout the year.
     IV.            Arranges with the interest co-ordinator for the follow-up of Bible School interest.
       V.            Keeps the local church informed regarding the work of the Bible School in the church.
     VI.            Involves every member in the Bible School Operation and/or in the community outreach.
   VII.            Calls and chairs the Bible school committee of the local church.
 VIII.            Represents the Bible School Committee in the Church board.
     IX.            Ensures that all records on the progress of the school are upto date.
       X.            Carries out any other duty as assigned by the local church pastor, local Sabbath school committee, the church board, or the Bible School Director of the conference.
Women Ministries Leader
1)      Must be a Seventh-day Adventist in regular standing who possess a growing faith and commitment to God.
2)      Should have good leadership and organizational ability, as well as a commitment to minister to women.
3)      Should possess a balanced view of women ministries and possess a burden for the broad needs and concern for women.
4)      Must be able to work harmoniously with the church pastor and other members.
5)      Should have good communications / public speaking abilities.
Goals and objectives
Ø  To establish women ministries within the church.
Ø  To assist the church in meeting the spiritual, emotional, and intellectual needs of women in their various stages of life and cultural diversity.
Ø  Assist the church in creating an environment that encourages productivity, rewards effort and initiative, and provides a spiritual climate in which each woman can experience growth.
Duties and responsibility.
The primary duties of women ministries leader are as follows:
1.            To establish a women ministries committee in the local church; and in order to do that:
a)       The leader should work with the church board to establish a committee. The committee should be composed of women interested in the spectrum of women’s needs and concerns. The purpose of the committee is to brainstorm, develop strategies and assist in planning programs and activities that relate to women’s specific and varied needs.
b)      It is the responsibility of the women ministries leader to chair the women ministries committee. She is to encourage ideas and plans that maximize women’s contribution to the mission of the church. As a chair she puts together an agenda, moderates discussions, and facilitates group cohesion through personal sharing, prayer, and fellowship.
2.            To regularly conduct needs assessment within the local church
a)       The leader works closely with her committee to survey the needs of women in the local church and community. Survey questionnaires can be used to obtain this information.
3.            To actively develop women ministries program within the local church.
a)                   The leader works with her pastor and the committee to develop and implement women ministries program or seminars, and network with existing support groups active in the church. She and her committee may decide to sponsor such programs as support groups for abused women, support for the elderly members, single parents, health care, hygiene, time management, grief recovery, spiritual care (discipleship), witnessing, personal devotions, self-improvement, and support to women married to non-believers, e.t.c. other activities may include prayer breakfasts, literacy programs, day care, and programs for the elderly.
4.            To faithfully serve as an advocate for women’s concerns, needs, and contributions within the local church.
a)                   It is the responsibility of the leader to keep informing the church on the women ministry and its contribution to the church life. This includes allotting time during personal ministries, announcement period, or Sabbath school to share with the congregation at large.
5.            The women ministries leader must work closely with the pastor and the local conference women ministries director.
6.            Serves as a member of the local church board.
7.            Must attend women ministries seminars organized by the conference.
8.            Must be conversant with the church manual.

All Notes by Pastor Douglas Agoga